What is shutter priority
In this article I will tell you what shutter priority is and how to use it.
By the way, if you don’t know what shutter speed is in a camera, then first read the article “What is shutter speed? ”
I’ll start with the fact that shutter priority on a camera is designated Tv or S (depending on the brand of the camera). This is the mode in which you set the shutter speed (the duration of the shutter opening), and the camera selects the required aperture value .
The shorter the shutter speed you set in the camera settings
The wider the aperture will open. Why does this happen? Let’s look at a specific example:Let’s say we set the shutter speed to 1/640 sec. The camera in this situation (at ISO 400) set the aperture to f2.8. That is, it opened it completely…
Now we will make the shutter speed longer (1/20 sec.) The camera shutter will be open much longer, which means that more light will also hit the matrix. To prevent the image from being overexposed, the camera will close the aperture so that during this time the amount of light hits the matrix is less… (in our example, the aperture closed to f16)
What is shutter priority
This is how the camera adjusts the parameters. I hope you understand…
How to use shutter priority
Now let’s talk about the situations and conditions in which it is convenient to use the shutter priority mode.
Just like aperture priority , shutter priority germany phone number library makes life much easier for photographers in places where lighting often changes. For example, outdoors, in changeable weather. Let’s say we’ve selected the sensitivity and set the shutter speed to 1/640. The sun hides behind a cloud, it gets a little darker – the aperture opens. The sun comes out again, it gets lighter – the camera immediately closes the aperture.
If we need a blurred object for example
We are photographing a waterfall from a tripod), we set a long shutter speed, and the camera will select the required aperture value. If we are in the profiles you create photographing dynamic objects, for example, a child swinging on a swing, we set a short shutter speed to avoid “blurring” of the image, and the camera will also select the correct aperture.
The photographer only has to concentrate agb directory on the photo shoot itself and think less about setting the settings.
Also, especially for you, here is a camera simulator . You can practice yourself to understand the principle.