Sing a verse on a bus full of people

Sing a verse on Go to church to pray Even if you don’t know how to pray, try it. Visit the ice rink. Take a shower with your clothes on. All day long, decide everything with a coin toss. Try writing the alphabet backwards. At work, fold paper airplanes and fly them over co-workers.

Go to the balcony to blow soap bubbles

Cut a sculpture out of the potato. Write your wishes in another hand. Go fly a kite in the meadow. Take a can of Coca-Cola into the shower with you, shake it well and open it. If you are ask to do something – start snoring. Wave to people across the street or in another car. Start reading the same thing that the person next to you is reading when they are convert. Climb the tree. Invite a friend or colleague to go for ice cream. Start playing with toys in the toy store.

Paint with gouache paint with your fingers

Leave a note on the office cleaner’s desk thanking rich people number data her for always leaving everything so clean and tidy after her visit. At the store or cafe, ask to invite the administrator and thank her for the excellent service team. Send your doctor a thank you card. If it’s raining and you’re walking with an umbrella, offer to go with someone who doesn’t have an umbrella. Invite your child to play a board game and let him win. Ask an old person to tell you about the “good old days.

special data

Give someone a goldfish tank

Check out who celebrat their birthday 182 bulk lead days ago and wish them a half birthday. Half a cake will do. Invite a complete 4 βήματα για την προσέλκυση νέων μελών stranger for a cup of coffee. Leave your friend a fun note of compliment in their drawer. Clean the snow not only from your car, but also from your neighbor’s car. Take care of a colorful nest on a tree near your home. Ask everyone in the car to wear seat belts, tell them that they are very valuable to you.

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