Tricks That Will Help You Increase Your Reminder Email Open Rate

Reminder emails can be a great thing – but only if people actually open and read them. We’ve got some helpful tricks to get take email marketing service recipients to click on your message and see what’s inside . But you’ll only be successful if you target the right people in the right way.

Tip #1: Quality Email Message Titles

We already know that the title of the message is your first contact with the recipient , so it is important that it is really high quality, because only then will it achieve its purpose. People receive a lot of emails every day but they only open those that catch their attention. The following three points are very important:

Write compelling headlines

Easier said than done, right? But research core web vitals is split into three major shows that 35% of recipients open your email simply because they’re drawn to the headline . So it’s definitely worth the effort!

Use action verbs

This is a great trick that professionals like to use: in the email title they include action verbs that convince people to do something. For example :

  • book your place;
  • buy your ticket;
  • secure your place;
  • don’t forget;
  • sign up;
  • make sure you …

Avoid platitudes and words that give the impression of being spam.

As mentioned before, people nowadays receive a lot of emails and in most cases it is junk mail, or spam . In order not to fall into this category, it is important to avoid certain terms, such as :

True, some of these phrases are also used in ordinary mail and not just in spam, but it is still better to avoid them so that your message does not end up in the wrong folder .

Tip #2: Segment your mailing list

Segmentation is an extremely important marketing tool and will also be very useful in sending reminders. It is important cz lists to involve the right recipients, because only in this way will you achieve your goals and, at the same time, get the best response. You can segment them based on the following criteria.

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