Today digital advertising is one of the most

Over the past few years, economic, commercial and social structures have progressively mov closer and closer to the digital world. 2020, with the explosion of the concept of  stay-at-home economy  and its implications, has accelerat this process, making digitalization the most efficient and most appreciat tool  by suppliers and consumers, to overcome the difficulties and instability caus by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Which is increasingly less active physically

Efficient means to reach the  whatsapp data public, in the territory and increasingly vital in digital places, such as social mia, online platforms and eCommerce sites.


Key points of the article:

whatsapp data

  • Digital advertising 2021 : this year’s trends and how to reach your target audience on all digital channels
  • Lift and Conversion Rate : Measure the effectiveness of your digital advertising program by analyzing the most influential metrics
  • In-house team
    : increase productivity and ROI by chine directory managing all digital advertising operations internally within your company
  • New digital formats , new communication techniques, the arrival of latest-generation software for augment reality and digital animation.

2020 was an unprictable year from all points of view: social, economic, commercial, professional in a broad sense. The pandemic has overturn the themselves and review all their strategies, to evolve and adapt to the changes underway. In the marketing sector, one of the most important footprints left by these upheavals has been the increas use of email marketing.

Patterns and companies have had to reinvent

Growing 45% compar to 2019, this powerful marketing tool has proven to be extremely useful for companies, which have work to Explorer le potentiel des données avec l’analyse avancée strengthen contacts and relationships with their customers, informing them of all the latest news and updating them on current business activities.

The number of business emails sent has increas by 27% compar to the period immiately before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic (Mailerlite).


Key points of the article:

  • Email Marketing for Web Users 2021 : Positive Thinking, Human-Proof Communication, Clarity and Personaliz Messages
  • Design and accessibility : choose the graphic design for your emails, and make them attractive, recognizable, pleasant and easily usable
  • Interaction and Automation : From interactive emails to UGC to automation software. Create a community spirit and stay connect with your audience.

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