Should you outsource your secretarial work?

Business manager? You won’t always have to take care of your accounting formalities, payroll management, recruitment procedures and tasks related to the day-to-day management of your business yourself. There is also no obligation to use an internal secretary. Why not think about telesecretariat? Here are some good reasons to use this solution. Table of Contents…

WordCamp for Publishers Columbus 2019 – Recap

On August 7th, I attended WordCamp Publishers 2019 in Columbus, OH. It was a long journey from Michigan, around 250 miles. And facing the blazing heat made the trip seem even longer. First, I attempted to take a train. Unfortunately, there were no routes available. I was considering flying but decided to refrain adding to…

Boost your web visibility: Become a master of organic referencing

Dans l’arène très convoitée du web, le trafic organique représente la clé du succès à long terme. Plus qu’un simple indicateur d’audience, il prouve la pertinence et la valeur ajoutée de votre site pour les internautes comme les moteurs de recherche. Une quête perpétuelle pour tout rédacteur SEO qui se respecte ! Table des matières…