Jodi Brown

contact name: Jodi Brown
contact job function details:
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business name: Freedom Sales & Marketing

business domain:

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sweden 100k whatsapp number

business angellist:

business found year: 1999

business city: Odessa

business zip code: 33556

business state: Florida

business country: United States

business language: English

business employee: 26

jason pampell founder ceo

business category: semiconductors

business specialty: obsolete, allocated, price sensitive components, quality management system, iso, esd certifications, large inventory, global excess, ppv, eol, ocm factorysealed product, semiconductors

business technology: route_53,office_365,apache,recaptcha,bootstrap_framework,providesupport,mobile_friendly

business description: Electronic components distributor of active, hard to find, allocated and obsolete semiconductors and IC’s. Large inventory and same day shipping. Call Freedom Sales now 1-800-260-8830



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