Launch: ePrescribing on iOS – Easier Than Ever

Now, ePrescriptions across all ProDoctor Cloud solutions can be generated, digitally signed and sent from iOS devices directly to patients.

In other words, if you have a ProDoctor Cloud solution

on your iOS mobile device, you can generate list of algeria cell phone number database sign and send your prescriptions to your patient, whether they are prescriptions, reports or certificates.

And it’s so practical that you won’t even believe it! With just a few clicks, you can digitally prescribe and sign in accordance with the ICP-Brasil standard , including a QR Code for authentication and a prescription that is 100% aligned with the LGPD. All you need is

 a BirdID certificate with credits

list of algeria cell phone number database

Once generated and digitally signed, just send it to your patient via email or WhatsApp , whichever you prefer!

You are just two clicks away from filling a prescription with your iOS device on ProDoctor. That’s right. Our solution is practical and saves you time with an intelligent and easy-to-use system. In addition, it has the best medication database available on the Brazilian market – ProDoctor Medicamentos .

Very soon, the feature will also be released for Android devices.

Read also: Stamp on a medical prescription. Is it mandatory or not?

More practicality and security with the QR Code

In addition to the prescription, you can quickly create certificates or exam requests. Simply access the document preview, click the button to confirm the information and select “export”.

In a few moments stamp on medical prescription: is it mandatory or not? the document will be digitally signed and ready to be sent via WhatsApp. This means less paperwork and more convenience – the patient only needs to receive the document on their phone,

without needing to carry a physical copy.

It is worth noting that the generated document has a QR Code, which ensures authenticity and facilitates the verification of information.

This functionality not only increases security, reducing the risk of fraud, but also simplifies the process for the patient, who can use the QR Code to access the document easily, at any time.

Coming soon: digitally signed prescription on Android system

The convenience is just beginning. Keep an eye on bulk lead our communication channels to keep up to date with all the news and launches – we still have a lot more to offer. We are always innovating to ensure that our customers have the best experience.

Want to talk to us? Click here and we will be happy to help you.

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