ELena and Sitedi UNNES: User Guide

The learning system that utilizes the internet to deliver material is a trend nowadays, giving rise to a new term called e-learning . E-learning is an electronic learning system that supports educational activities through electronic internet. Web-based e-learning presentations provide real-time interactive access to information about lectures.

One of the universities that has implemented it is Sitedi UNNES. For those of you who are prospective new students or active UNNES students, it is important to know how to use them. The following will explain in full the guide to using eLena UNNES and Sitedi UNNES.

What is Elena UNNES

( Electronic Learning Aid ) is an e-learning site developed by Semarang State Un database shop iversity (Unnes) based on MOODLE version 2.0 to support academic activities This eLena e-learning site can be accessed via the addre

The various features of eLena that will be explained include:

  1. Change profile
  2. Access online courses
  3. Submitting assignments ( Assignments )
  4. Accessing the discussion forum
  5. Filling out the questionnaire
  6. How to Use eLena UNNES

database shop

Change Profile

 To change your profile, go to the Settings menu > My profile setting > Change profile. Make sure your first name, NIM/NIP, and email address are filled in correctly. To save your profile changes, click the Update profile button .To access courses, click the descubra como integrar docusign con estas 8 aplicacións empresariais  Course Link menu located on the top menu and enter each study program.. Each topic contains the main material and assignments provided. Do enrollment or registration to take the desired course. Click Setting -> Course administration -> Enrol me in this course then click the Enrol me button .

  • Downloading Materials

Download the material file by clicking on the link containing the pdf and doc/docx icons .

  • Performing Assignment Delivery

Accessing assignments at a meeting can be done by clicking the Array and Struct Practice link at meeting 2. This assignment has a time limit to work on and collect results. To upload work results, click Upload File . Click ” Choose a file ” to select the file to be uploaded.

  • Accessing the Discussion Forum

To access the discussion forum at a meeting, c

This e-learning site provides a survey/questionnaire facility

Here is a video link on how to use eLena UNNEs that you can watch

What is Sitedi UNNES

After discussing eLena UNNES, this section will explain Sitedi UNNES. Sitedi Unnes is a thesis and dissertation information system that makes it easier for students in the administrative process of organizing thesis starting from the topic submission process to the final exam. Sitedi Unnes can be opened via a web browser that has been connected to the internet network which can be accessed via apps.unnes.ac.id.

After logging in through Unnes Apps, you can select the sitedi menu where there are several features that can be accessed using a personal Unnes student account and are special (personal). The features are as follows.

  1. Submission of Thesis Topics
  2. Proposal Evaluation Submission
  3. Proposal Validation
  4. Proposal Test
  5. Draft Submission and Draft Testing
  6. Exam Registration
  7. Final Exam Validation

To access the feature, users must first log in using the same username and password as the username and password in Sikadu. Users who successfully log in to SITEDI UNNES as students will receive several facilities including the identity, guidance and Thesis menus.

  • Submission of Thesis Topics

The SITEDI administration process begins with the submission of a topic by the student.

  • Thesis Guidance

After students submit a topic and have obtained a supervi

How to Use Sitedi UNNES

The procedure for writing a thesis in SITEDI UNNES  bbb org consists of submitting a proposal, guidance, drafting and registering for the exam. These stages must be carried out sequentially except for the guidance stage.

  1. Students submit a thesis topic/proposal
  2. Students choose 3 candidate supervisors
  3. The Head of Study Program approved the proposal submitted by the students
  4. The Head of Study Program determines 2 supervisors and proposal reviewers .
  5. The supervisor and reviewer enter the proposal’s grades.
  6. Thesis guidance
  7. Students submit a draft of thesis.
  8. The Head of Study Program approves the draft submission by the student and determines the draft evaluator.
  9. The Head of Study Program decides the status of the draft.
  10. Students register for the exam.
  11. The Head of Study Program approves the exam plan and determines the examiner.tor of PPs.
  12. The Head of Study Program conducts final validation of the thesis writing data.

Here is a guide to using SITEDI UNNES that you can watch.

Unnes Faculty

UNNES has various study programs spread across several facultiesHere is a list of UNNES faculties.

  • Faculty of Languages ​​and Arts
  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Engineering
  • Faculty of Social Sciences
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Science
  • faculty of Law
  • faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Sports Science
  • Postgraduate

That’s the information about eLena UNNES, Sitedi UNNES and UNNES departments & faculties.

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