Daniel Lindenberg

contact name: Daniel Lindenberg
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business name: Risked Revenue Energy Associates

business domain: riskedrevenue.com

business facebook URL:

business linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/2328678

business twitter:

business website: http://www.riskedrevenue.com

philippines whatsapp number data 3 million package

business angellist:

business found year: 2001

business city: Houston

business zip code: 77019

business state: Texas

business country: United States

business language: English

business employee: 5

jay lipman ceo chairman

business category: management consulting

business specialty: energy, developing hedge programs, analytics, valuations, reporting, risk management consulting, price risk, energy trading & risk management, energy developing hedge programs analytics valuations reporting risk management consulting price risk energy trading & risk management, management consulting

business technology: piwik,apache,easydns,rackspace

business description: Risked Revenue Energy Associates (R^2) is a full-service risk management consulting firm that works with clients to build hedge programs that protect value and accelerate growth by transforming corporate price risk into a strategic advantage. Since 2008, our clients have received more than $2 billion in receipts on hedges. We cover all services from analytics to hedge execution to trade capture, valuation and reporting. R^2 expertly manages any and all hedge program needs.



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