Briefly about the importance of CHPU for SEO

Practice shows that properly configured CHPU addresses affect the growth of page positions in search. Often this happens because they try to include a key request in the title that reflects the content of the page.

Search bots respond positively to such a system, since CHPU links show that the site is user-oriented and not overloaded with random combinations of characters. Also, remember that the URL is used to form snippets, so it is important that it is readable and contains keys.

It is advisable to set up SEO CHPUs during the development of the site. Before its launch. If you change them later, this may lead to a loss of traffic, since the pages will need to be re-indexed. If you need to change the URL, do not forget to set up a redirect from the old address to the new one, so as not to lose traffic.

So feel free to include the CHPU page setting in your SEO website promotion checklist.

Setting up the right CNC

When solving the problem of how to special database make a CNC, you can use special plugins that are developed for WordPress and other popular CMS systems. Another way is PHP commands. They can be configured manually or with the help of a developer. In any case, remember the requirements for such addresses: they should be simple, short and reflect the content of the page.

Optimal URL length

special database

Long URLs create inconvenience for visitors, as they are difficult to remember and difficult to use for navigation. Technical capabilities allow indexing a page with a URL length of up to 140 characters. But this can complicate ranking and will be unclear to the user:

So the optimal length of a semantic URL is 60–80 characters.

If the human-readable URL is too long, the user may encounter the following problems:

  • when copying the address takes up a lot of space;
  • it is difficult to enter manually;
  • The address extends beyond the visible space in the browser line.

Let us remind you that user convenience is one of the important rules. That influences the improvement of behavioral factors and has a positive effect on ranking.

Keywords in URL

To fully understand what CHPU is in SEO. let us how to check website traffic for your business remind you of the importance of adding keywords. But at the same time, use only those words that really show what the page is about, and do not repeat yourself, it is better to have a shorter address.

Which is the better separator – hyphen or underscore?

The guidelines state that search engines can recognize both hyphens and underscores. But according to Matt Cutts in 2011, Google may additionally treat underscores as a unifying character. So it’s still better to use the hyphen (-), as it’s more user-friendly and easier to type.

When creating a URL, avoid service characters: quotes, commas, and spaces. Optimal friendly URLs should include characters from one language and acceptable separators.

What should be the URL structure of a website?

The problem of how to set up a friendly aero leads URL should be solved by making a single systemic decision about what the structure of the site as a whole should be and how it will be displayed in the addresses.

As you know, the URL structure for online stores can be built on two principles – “tree” or parallel.


How the register in the page address is perceived depends on the server and operating system settings. In most cases, a URL with different register characters is evaluated equally in Windows. That is, there is no difference between / category and / Category . However, this can cause problems with SEO, as it leads to difficulties with duplicate content.

On Linux/Unix servers, URLs are case sensitive, which will create difficulties with navigation for users and with indexing.

For SEO purposes, it is advisable to use the same case for all URLs. Lowercase letters are most often recommended, as this reduces the likelihood of errors and reduces the risk of duplicate pages.

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