Answer questions from social networks on the blog

Have you ever seen people asking for advice on Twitter or Facebook? For example, asking for a place to eat in your city or posting a question about what brand of toothpaste to buy. How about asking a question in a LinkedIn group you are a part of? Chances are, you have seen similar questions… but how often have you answered them?

What would you do if someone asked you the same

Questions in person? Would you just walk away and pretend you didn’t hear? No – you would answer them! You would provide the person with the information they were looking for and serve as a resource for them.

The same concept can work on social media. If someone (or potential client) asks for help, don’t ignore their comment or question, help them! Try to benefit someone with your niche knowledge. Reply to messages and requests on social media, but on top of that, include links to relevant pages on your site or blog articles in those replies. This way, leads and potential clients will get the help they were looking for, and you’ll get a new visitor. This is a very effective tactic, as long as you’re not just spamming links to your site, but sending europe cell phone number list genuinely helpful messages.

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Monitor relevant keywords on social media and join discussions

That’s why it’s worth monitoring social silkpay e machann yo entegre media to track the keywords that matter most to your business. Find out how you can help the people who use them.

Monitor your potential customers’ main concerns across different social media platforms. If you find any such discussions, try to participate in them. Just like you did in the previous scenario when people asked questions. By monitoring your main by lists keywords, you can add your two cents (and content) at the right time and place.

By following these simple rules, you will be able to attract the right people to your site – your user personas. Having lured them to you, sooner or later you will be able to turn them into leads, nurture them and turn them into clients. In the end, they will become promoters of your brand. Remember: the main thing is the right traffic.

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