SMS message types – Typical hook for phone message service

SMS message types, there are actually several types of possible SMS marketing campaigns and therefore different types of messages to use to promote your offers or products. Indeed, although for most people mobile marketing by messaging is cottoned to sending SMS, we will see that it is possible to set up much more elaborate promotional campaigns. SMS sending campaigns are in fact the first form of mobile marketing, which has existed for many years, especially in the United States.

A mobile text message marketing campaign is very easy to use and inexpensive to set up, making it a tool that can be easily used by small local businesses as well as larger multinationals.
The application of SMS on mobile number is for example particularly effective for a quick communication at a given moment or over a given period. They remain for example perfect tools to set up flash sales or to signal the start of a particular event. By receiving your message your customers will remember that “happy hour” is and that it is time to join your establishment.

A marketing MMS sending application
Rather than sending a message to a mobile number, MMS offers a particularly interesting alternative advertising database for certain campaigns. The delivery services remain the same, but MMS offers the possibility of considerably enriching the messages sent by including images, sounds and even video. It is therefore possible to offer subscribers a dynamic advertising message that will have much more impact than a text message. Most iPhones and other phones can receive MMS, but their delivery by an automatic service will obviously be a little more expensive than sending simple text messages.

advertising database

Web marketing on iPhone or smartphone

This type of marketing campaign uses the new features offered by iPhones and other smartphones to set up a dynamic campaign that uses internet connections via telephone. The principle is therefore to have Internet users go through a website optimized for an iPhone or smartphone, in order to make them discover the different products that you offer.

Marketing on a mobile number via the Internet does not require any particular infrastructure in terms of the future of insurance is already here and it’s here to stay sending messages, since an enriched SMS can contain a hyperlink that will automatically send users to the corresponding site or web page.

There is therefore a wide range of marketing campaigns

We can thus ensure the promotion and animate the release of certain products, but also organize contests, flash sales, but also satisfaction surveys and th phone numbers even polls. It is up to you to be inventive in order to set up an innovative and qualitative campaign that will allow you to stand out from the competition. On the other hand, make sure to respect the legislation and respect the reserved rights.

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