Should you outsource your secretarial work?

Business manager? You won’t always have to take care of your accounting formalities, payroll management, recruitment procedures and tasks related to the day-to-day management of your business yourself. There is also no obligation to use an internal secretary. Why not think about telesecretariat? Here are some good reasons to use this solution.

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The same services as a traditional secretary

In Europe or the United States, there are even fewer people working in the world of remote assistance. This is not the case in offshore destinations such as Madagascar. Several European companies already use Malagasy service providers. Despite was ist robots.txt? robots.txt-tutorial: robots.txt-einstellungs- und testtool seo muss lernen the distance and cultural differences, local companies can provide the same quality of service as an in-house assistant. They can be asked to take care of many tasks usually assigned to a conventional secretary, ranging from making appointments, managing emails , organizing events, developing and monitoring invoice quotes, writing letters and creating communication materials.

Due to offshore outsourcing , secretarial work is gradually losing its reputation as a “woman’s field”. In fact, many men work as tele-assistants in specialized agencies located in offshore destinations.


Many benefits to enjoy

There are several reasons why managers are turning to outsourcing to manage their low value-added, repetitive tasks. This solution is particularly chosen by entrepreneurs who do not have enough skills or time to take on the work. It is also of interest to those who do not have enough financial resources to hire a secretary in-house. Finally, telesecretariat is a way to deal with excess activity or the periodic absence of an employee.

Several advantages are expected ba leads regardless of the reason. They are particularly financial. By using an offshore service provider, there is no need to invest in IT equipment, so logically you can save money. In fact, labor is cheaper in offshore destinations. In addition, with outsourcing, the costs related to the formalities of recruiting an employee or temporary worker do not exist.Also read: Our 9 tips for successful outsourcing


A guarantee of freedom

Using a tele-assistant in Madagascar or in another country is a better way to protect yourself from the constraints related to the dismissal for various reasons of an internal secretary. This gives the company the possibility of switching from one service provider to another, if it suits it. However, it is important to specify that tele-assistance is not a regulated field. The number of people who are getting involved in it continues to increase. However, some do not even have the skills required to perform this type of service. It is therefore important to be well informed before choosing an outsourcing service provider . An oral test is one of the best ways to assess a person’s professionalism. Do not hesitate to do so, because poor performance can compromise the smooth running of the company.

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