Creating a Product Library for Your Blog

In today’s episode I’m tackling a question from a Facebook group member about creating products to sell on your blog.


Kathy Farrokhzad of is wondering how often she should create, sell, schedule, and roadmap new products on her blog. Is she doing too much in too little time?

Try to publish 3-4 new products on aol email list your blog each year, whether they’re courses, software, ebooks, templates or updates.

You want to avoid audience fatigue. But at the same time you don’t want to wait too long between launches. Either of these two extremes may cost you customers and money. Engage your customers, but don’t burn them out.

Create a schedule to plan content and products a year in advance. Figure out what products to create, redo or replace, as well as what promotions to include.

The frequency of new products depends on various factors, such as how many products you can create and how many different tools need to be created.

Come up with themes for your products based on popularity and whether they’re easy to research and write about. You can also gear your products toward specific audiences, such as beginners or new customers.

And don’t forget about your old products. Consider turning into new products by upselling and bundling them.

Yes, you can do lots of regular launches. But you can also get by with just one product. Both will work, so the choice is yours.

Links and Resources for How to Create a Library of Products to Sell On Your Blog:

  • Digital Photography School Ebooks
  • 7 Types of Products to Sell on Your Blog

Further Listening

  • Why You Should Create a Product for Your Blog


  • Digital Photography School Courses
  • ProBlogger Pro – 31 Days to Build a Better Blog
  • Starting a Blog

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Hey there friends. Welcome to updated 2024 mobile phone number data episode 242 of the ProBlogger podcast. My name is Darren Rowse and I’m the blogger behind ProBlogger. At a recent conference, I had a number of people say, “I love the way you say ProBlogger.” I’ve never really thought about that before but ProBlogger is a blog, podcast, event, job board, and a series of ebooks, all designed to help you as a blogger to grow as a blogger, to grow your audience, and to build some profit around your blog as well. You can learn more about what we do at ProBlogger over at

Today’s episode is brought to you by our 31 Days to Build a Better Blog course, which launches this month. We are currently taking a group of about 100 bloggers through this course in its beta version. We’re getting very close to being able to launch it for everyone. The feedback coming in has been fantastic so far. If you are interested in improving your blog, taking it to the next level, I really encourage you to head over to to register your interest in the course or if you’re listening to this in a week or two’s time, it should be already live and you can just enroll in the course.

We’ve designed this course really to take you through

updated 2024 mobile phone number data

A month of teaching but more importantly, some action items, which are designed to help you improve your blog whether you’re a new blogger or whether you’re more of an intermediate blogger and been going for awhile. This is a system that we’ve been using since about 2009, previously in ebook format. It’s helped tens of thousands of bloggers to really level up their blogs. I encourage you to check it out. Head over to

In today’s episode, I’m tackling a question hеработещи връзки в сайта about creating products to sell on your blog. It’s a question that came in from one of our group members on Facebook, Cathy, who was asking around how often she should she be creating new products for her particular blog. She’s been creating ebooks. I talked a little bit about how often, how frequently you might want to be creating products.

Also, we dig in a little bit to how to schedule that and how to roadmap that. Also, how to select which products you want to talk about. How do you choose the right topics? I’m going to dig in a little bit to the format of products as well. I really want to give .

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